Latest changes: - Updated: "gnome-buntu-icon{,-extras}-theme" (26.12.2010)


Basic info about Buntu's packages:

To simplify as much as possible, each theme is a separate individual package. Ofcourse it could have been done in other way, by packing them into one single package, but then, for switching between of them, it would be required to do that manually in often hatered terminal.
Therefore, one theme per package, and there is no way to install >=two packages of the same "kind".

As we can see, at the moment themes are availabe for such packages like grub2 (bootloader aka boot manager, where we can select which system we'd like to launch aka boot), and also for plymouth - a bootsplash, which is being displayed just right after the linux kernel gets loaded by bootloader (i.e. grub2).



Recently I've added four new packages marked with the initial name "plymouth-buntu-res-fix" - mainly they change resolution in plymouth.
It looks like in some cases, especially there, where propietarys drivers for graphic card are installed or where old graphic card is present, plymouth's theme resolution is very small - something like (640x480px - and because of that theme simply doesn't look good. Ofcourse solution is out there, and is described with more details here.
So using infos from link above, I wrote a script, which performs all the steps for us.

One more thing that I have to mention about is the availability of "plymouth-buntu-res-fix" in two variations:

1) plymouth-buntu-res-fix-RESOLUTION
2) plymouth-buntu-res-fix-RESOLUTION-grub2-RESOLUTION

The 1st one changes resolution only in plymouth, and the 2nd one also in boot manager "grub2" - from typical 640x480px to 800x600px.
As we can guess, "1024px" means "1024x768px" resolution, and "1280px" -> "1280x1024px".

Not recommended to install these packages on systems, where there are no problems with resolution in plymouth - if you would like to change resolution in grub2, go look for StartUp Manager app.

When installing, package is making a copy of all current config files (.bak.buntu), in which it will later perform modifications. When package is going to be removed, it rolls back it's changes, by restoring config files from "backup", and also (just in case) performs a backup of current config files, because there's possibility, that user in the mean time could have made some modifications (.old.buntu).



Currently there are two packages, which provides Rozbrat's icons:

1) gnome-buntu-icon-theme
2) gnome-buntu-icon-extras-theme

Each one of them changes the default menu start icon in Gnome. We can choose between four variants of icons, which means four (not completed) themes in each package. For instance first package contains such icon set:

1) Buntu-Anarcho
2) Buntu-Rozbrat
3) Buntu-Rozbrat-Dark
4) Buntu-Squat

In package's version -0.2- each icon set inherits the rest of icons from Humanity theme, which should be installed on your system already.
Look in gallery to see how do they look.

Here situation is very similar as above except that other icons are being inherited from "Oxygen" icon theme (KDE4 origin), which is provided by "oxygen-icon-theme{-complete}" packages. If you don't have them on your system yet, then they will be automatically selected (as required dependencies) for installation.

To change icon set go to:

System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Theme -> Customize -> Icons



1) gnome-buntu-wallpapers
2) gnome-buntu-rozbrat-wallpapers

These packages are based on ubuntu-wallpapers and they are NO longer providing the default wallpaper. This means, that after installation the GDM's (login manager) background will remain untouched.


Packages codenamed gdm-buntu-rozbrat-theme and gdm-buntu-squat-theme only change the default Ubuntu logo in GDM login manager. As typically, you cannot install at the same time more than one package from the same kind. In gallery screenshots are availabe.